Annual Group Exhibition
July 10 - September 9, 2021

It's back! HeyThere Projects proudly presents our massive two month group show featuring affordable art by many of our favorite artists. It's a rolling exhibition show be sure to check our social media and store for newly offered pieces throughout the show.
About the artists
Summer is a great time to celebrate the diversity of our program.
Multiple generations of artists from within miles of the gallery to those as far away as Texas or the UK mingle together in an artistic free-for all!
Artists include:
Aaron Nemec, Adam Shrewsbury,
Al Marcano, Alejandra Fernandez, Ariel Lee,
Bijou Karman, Bruce Lee, Cybele Rowe,
Edward Cushenberry, Eunjin Jang,
Harrison Freeman, Heather Ramsdale,
Heidi Anderson, Henrik Drescher,
Jason Holley, Joanna Szachowska,
John Molesworth, Jon Kvassay,
Justin Scrappers Morrison, Keiji Ishida,
Kim Bagwill, Lex Gjurasic, Lilian Todd, Martha Rich, Matt Adrian, Matthew Kam,
Max Kuhn, Maxwell McMaster, Mike Egan,
Mike Kelley, Robert Sato, Sarah Chon,
Stewart Easton,Teresa Watson and more.